You may notice some changes: I have converted the rating system to WAR, Fangraphs version, from WARP of Baseball Prospectus. WARP kept changing, apparently due to whim, and WAR has the current cache'. So, I bowed to pressure.
The trouble is, Fangraphs does not have WAR for pitchers posted past the 1970s. So, WAR from then back comes from, and is somewhat different. I am a bit disturbed by the differences, but not enough to worry about. While these rankings are written implying confidence, this system is subject to prejudices like any other.
But what fun is not being sure? So, we will charge ahead, using the system with what I hope if a minimum of my own prejudices. Remember to keep in mind, this is just for fun. It's only baseball. Only, that is, the greatest game in the world. posted by Shawn Weaver at 5:07 PM